Any Ocean Mineral Fertilizer Farms locally to New Hampshire?

Hello all,

I will be heading back home soon for 4th of July. My family and I in NH are looking for farms that use the ocean based fertilizer. It seems to becoming more known which is great! We'd love to purchase food out in NH that is fully mineralized. Massachusetts may work too.

Please let me know!

Thank you,

Lindsay Aichinger

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Hi Lindsay,

I  do not know of any specific farms in New Hampshire that are using ocean minerals. It is becoming much more known, and so much more known that as a network, it is now so much broader and larger than I could potentially facilitate or imagine.  Look out for the farmers markets and you can ask them. Where are you base based and what can you tell me about local farms and remineralization where you live?

My best,

Joanna at RTE

Hi Joanna! It is indeed getting bigger. I am based in Los Angeles. In the year that I've lived there, I had only found one farm that uses ocean based fertilizer. They are backyard growers too!
I was shocked LA did not know much about this. In Northern California near Sacramento - I found a couple farmers. It is much more forward thinking up there with soil health and replacing the minerals that the plants take up.
I want my family based in NH to benefit from the healing power of this food too. And I am so happy there is a group like this dedicated to solving this type of problem.
I will keep looking! Thank you for everything you guys do!


Lindsay Aichinger

Thanks for your reply and wishing you all the best!

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