
My name is Walker Tufts. I work with several other artists as Kosmologym. We create art and games that explore our relationship to others (human and non-human) and how those relationships are tangled up in the commons.

This summer we will be installing a sculpture at Franconia Sculpture Park in Minnesota, about an hour from Minneapolis, that will explore the potential for soil remineralization to increase the carbon holding capacity of the surrounding soil*. It will explore both direct application of minerals as well as the interactions between soil, plants, animals, and arthropods.

We are currently looking for collaborators who might be interested in any or all of the following:

  • Speaking with us about soil formation and human land use in the area
  • soil remineralization and its ability to increase soil’s carbon holding capacity
  • a project for a class to identify the soil types at the park and potentially examine the impact of the project on the soil
  • Anyone interested in the project with thoughts or collaborations not mentioned above

I thought the Remineralize the Earth forum might be a good place to find suggestions for resources or people I should know about in the area. We are excited to talk about different possibilities of collaborating. If you have any thoughts about other folks who might be interested in working with us in anyway please let me know.

I've also attached a PDF that gives an intro to the project as well.



*From our initial research Franconia’s soil is primarily composed of Nebish-Talmoon Association.

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Hi Walker,

Fascinating! Would you like to write up something for the latest news section of our website? You can email it to me…

Joanna Campe
Executive Director
Remineralize the Earth
152 South Street
Northampton, MA 01060 USA 
Tel: 413-563-9938
Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase
Please support us on Patreon.

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