Hi all,

An email I received today that I thought to share with you!

Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions!

Joanna and RTE

Valentine's Day is here. This is the day popular culture celebrates love with kisses, chocolate, gifts and cards. Retail outlets are happy to sell us anything we need for that special day. Slick marketers create unique products or prices to commemorate "love"!

Meanwhile here I sit in Minnesota looking out the window wishing I could get in the garden. An abundance of snow blankets the garden while it rests with more being added as I write.

Since spring is still a ways off it gives me time to write and reflect. As a Valentine's gift to you I am offering another 30-day teaching sequence using email. This one will be on all aspects of growing a garden for optimum nutrition.

It starts next Monday and continues at the rate of one email per day for the next 30 days.

Sign Up Here

Each day we cover one important topic starting with the most important question: Why?

By the time we finish 30 days I assure your that your view of a garden will never be the same again.

We will also look very closely at food quality and actually define nutrient dense food in a way that squares with reality--not political correctness.

Last, but not least, we will have a few hard hat sessions and demolish several false assumptions that masquerade as truth.

Thank you for taking the journey together with us and have a Happy Valentine's Day!


Testimonies of people who took the prior email course:

I want to thank you for your continued efforts to educate people. Especially like me who is just getting a grasp on what gardening is all about. I have read about Carey Reams and his discovery on balancing soils, but don't full comprehend it yet, but you have broken it down to where it is helping me think differently about the soil and its relationship to having healthy plants and nutritious produce. --David Stearman

Been carrying your 30 days letters around like my bible. I can't thank you enough. Your thoughts and efforts are gifts beyond measure. --Dennis Wilt

Thank you so much for your work. It has been a pleasure to read your emails every morning and learn something new every day. --Dave Gouaux

I have enjoyed this series and look forward to it every day. --Rodney Graham

Thank you Jon, a truly amazing 30 days. Please keep me on your list. Dr. Reams was an enlightened, and fascinating man. Great series of information that you have provided as well. --Geno B

Great stuff John! I'm looking forward to your forthcoming book? (please, please, please...) --Jim Lee

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